There are more than 80 items of different rolling stock in the outdoors exposition, including 5 steam locomotives and a numerous special-purpose technical facilites. All working locomotives are stored in the round-house built in 1924. According to the contract with the Latvian collegaues one steam locomotive operates temporarly in Latvia, in Gulbene-Aluksne railway. You can see in the outdoors exposition an unique German Military Locomotive, freight cars from 19th century and an Estonian-made rare passenger car built in 1939. There are a lot of soviet-era rolling stock too.
The indoors exposition situates in the former dwelling-house of the peat industry. There are more than 500 exhibits about the history of Estonian narrow-gauge railway including photos, several devices and equipments (incl railway bicycle), tools, documents, uniforms etc. There are also an exhibition and sale of railway-thematic pictures.