
Contribution for repairing a railway track.

Contribution for repairing a railway track.

We need supports for total repairing of 600 meters a railway track. We need for this 60 000 €. You can support our project with money transferring to our Banck account (Estonian Museum Railway) IBAN: EE197700771002553444 in LHV Banck. We are wery thankful if you can...

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Steam days on 05. and 06. of August 2023

Steam days on 05. and 06. of August 2023

We celebrate 100 years from beginning of construction Sonda - Mustvee narrow-gauge line with the steam days. Steam train operate by Saturdays and Sundays time table. Prices by price list and payment only in cash. Souvenirs shop is open.

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Steamdays on 08. and 09. of July 2023

Steamdays on 08. and 09. of July 2023

After the break we start again with the steamdays. Steam train run with the Saturdays and Sundays time table. First leaving 12:00. Payment for museum services only in cash. Souvenirs shop and cafe is open. You welcome to enjoy steamday!

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20 and 21 of May museum night and fair train

20 and 21 of May museum night and fair train

20 of May: museum night. The museum is open 18:00-23:00. The museum train run with free  shedule. Entering to museum free for all. Train tickets for adults 10 €, for pensioners 8 €, for childrens over 6 years 5 €. payment only in cash. Souvenirs shop is open. Hot...

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Christmas steamtrain event 10.12.2022

Christmas steamtrain event 10.12.2022

Museum is open 11:30-18:30. Steam train is running at 12:00 to  18:00 with Santa Klaus on train. Coffee  shop and souvenirs for christmas gifts. Limited edition of museum 2023 calendar. For childrens several games. Participating for adults 10€, for childrens all free....

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Steamdays at 15th and 16th of October 2022

Steamdays at 15th and 16th of October 2022

The autumn is started and our season is finished but we open the museum for special event. With this special event we celebrate birthdays of several Estonian railways and museum. In Sturday museum is open from 11:00 to18:00 and in Sunday from 11:00 to 17:00. Steam...

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