Christmas steamtrain event 10.12.2022
Museum is open 11:30-18:30. Steam train is running at 12:00 to 18:00 with Santa Klaus on train. Coffee shop and souvenirs for christmas gifts. Limited edition of museum 2023 calendar. For childrens several games. Participating for adults 10€, for childrens all free....
Steamdays at 15th and 16th of October 2022
The autumn is started and our season is finished but we open the museum for special event. With this special event we celebrate birthdays of several Estonian railways and museum. In Sturday museum is open from 11:00 to18:00 and in Sunday from 11:00 to 17:00. Steam...
17. and 18. 09. 2022 steamdays.
17.09. the museum is open 11:00-18:00. Steamtrain run by Sarurday´s time table. Souvenirs shop is open. Video show about narrow gauge steamtrains in Estonia. 18.09. the museum is open 09:00-17:00. Steamtrain run by special timetable. Departure from museum: 09:30,...
New station building in Lavassaare station.
At last we finished outside design of station building. This projekt was supported by Estonian Railway Ltd. Many thanks for him. We need supporters for inside design of this building.
Steamdays 27. and 28. of August 2022
Sheduled steam train running by Saturday and Sunday timetable. Paymend with cash by price list. Bufet and souvenirs shop open. You welcome to take a ride!
Steam days in 06. and 07. of August
We celebrate railway mens day with steam train running. Train running by Satturdays and Sundays time tables with usual prices. Payment only in casch. Souvenis store and bufet is open.
30 and 31. of July the museum train running is not available.
By railway extra repairing works the museum train is not running. But museum is open in Saturday 11:00 until 18:00 and in Sunday 11:00 until 17:00. You can take a ride with our train in 23. and 24 of July or in August. Our apoligizes.
TOP 5 Places to See Near Pärnu
Pärnu is a super cozy city right by the sea. It is the Estonians' favorite summer destination, that brings in not only the local tourist but also visitors from abroad. Despite Pärnu being the 4th largest city in Estonia, it is still quite...